Saturday, September 17, 2011

Malibu Creek State Park - M.A.S.H. site

September 10, 2011
After the first half week of the new school year I absolutely wanted to go trail running this weekend. And as I had liked Malibu Creek State Park that much I decided to go there again. J This morning weather was overcast and cool. Also at the park it wasn’t sunny yet, my big advantage as I prefer cool temperatures to warm ones.  Just as last time I ran one half of the loop and up to Century Lake. Again I was able to run everything uphill J. Then I continued on the trail towards Malibu Lake. This time I ran much farther and was able to run all the way to the M.A.S.H. site. The trail was nice, it became smaller and smaller, I was running and jumping over rocks, roots, branches etc and had to dodge between bushes. After taking photos of the M.A.S.H. site and the gorgeous nature up there I took a little break, which wasn’t really a break as I kept walking. Then starting at M.A.S.H I ran all the way back to Century Lake, down the hill and half of the loop back to the parking lot.  I couldn’t believe it myself, but I had managed to run 5miles in exactly one hour. This was a record! I have never run 5 miles or one hour before. (I just had had two little breaks of about 2 minutes each). I guess this means I am getting closer to being able to run a 10k  (which would be 6.2 miles) J  Anyway, it was a perfect run today in my favorite place to be! :-)

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