Saturday, September 17, 2011

Malibu Creek State Park

August, 21st 2011
This was my first REAL trail running experience. I had decided to drive to Malibu Creek State Park and run there.  Perfect choice! I ran the first half of the loop in the flat and then all the way up to Century Lake. How I got up there – it is pretty steep and definitely the steepest hill I have run so far – I don’t know. I remember people cheered me on and somehow I made it up there! I was so proud of myself! After a short break in order to catch my breath I continued to run beyond the lake towards Malibu Lake. At some point I turned around, ran back past Century Lake, all the way down to the flat and then finished the loop. As running was so much fun I ran half of the loop again and then walked back. It was a wonderful day and a great run! About 4 miles of running, total run time 43 minutes.

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