Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Paseo Miramar to Parker Mesa Overlook - Hike

October 1st, 2011

I had looked up hikes in one of my hiking books in order to find a new trail for trail running. I decided to try the Paseo Miramar to Parker Mesa Overlook trail. Well, I should have read the chapter a bit better because it turned out that this - although it was a great trail - was a very steep trail, which was also exposed to the sun most of the time. Plus it was a very warm day. The trail was pretty steep for the first 2 miles and very sunny. It was pretty clear that there was no way for me to run this! The trail itself was very nice, great views, but also it seemed to never end! Every time it looked like a possible end of the trail you could be sure it wasn't! After 2.75miles I finally reached Parker Mesa Overlook. I enjoyed the great views and after a short break I started on my way back (it was an out and back trail). Initially I had planned to run back as it was mostly downhill, but it was so warm that I gave up on that idea. Overall I can say it was a very nice hike, but also exhausting due to the constant incline and sun! I was pretty exhausted and a bit dehydrated afterwards. It was an overall hike of 5.5 miles. Nevertheless I felt good and was proud of myself :-)

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