Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Temescal Ridge Trail to Temescal Peak

October 9th, 2011
As much as I had enjoyed the two hikes the weekend before but I was very happy to finally go trail running again! This time I had chosen Temescal Ridge Trail which I heard was very popular with trail runners. As it was supposed to be pretty warm (again!) I started out really early. The trail started with a short ascend and then intersected with the main trail. The main trail started out with two rather steep inclines which I was able to run. :-) On the top of each hill though I had to catch my breath for a short minute. After that the trail was easier to run. Ever so often a few smaller inclines and a steady doable incline. Views were breathtaking - fantastic views onto LA and Downtown LA! I had brought my new little point-and-shoot which I had bought recently for my trail running. Running was fun... although I still felt a bit out of shape (the week before I wasn't in a good shape at all and just had a few shorter 2 mile runs) I all of a sudden realized that I was running a really nice pace. I was just running and enjoying the trail and views! There were a lot of other trail runners and mountain bikers there, hardly any hikers. And it was definitely a quiet trail. Overall the part of the trail I ran was 5.2 miles which I was able to run in 1hour5min. :-) Interestingly, although 5 miles has been my limit so far and always makes me feel exhausted - this time around running 5 miles didn't make me feel too exhausted and I felt I could have run more. I guess I am getting closer to run a 10k :-)

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