Friday, November 4, 2011

Temescal Ridge Trail to Temescal Peak (again)

October 29th, 2011

Finally time for a trail run again :-) I chose the Temescal Ridge Trail again as it was a great trail with nice views. Also quite a bit challenging (there are about two steeper hills and otherwise there is often enough a nice gradual incline) and just the right trail for a good workout. I went there pretty early again as a hot day was in the weather forecast. This time there were less people out there, which didn't bother me at all as it was just nice to enjoy the nature there. I even saw bunnies on three different occasions! :-) Again it was a great workout although it wasn't an easy run this time. It took me about 8 minutes longer than last time and I already could feel it while running. It was just harder than the first time there. Still I had lots of fun and enjoyed my run tremendously.

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