Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Montana de Oro State Park

December 30, 2011

I pretty spontaneously had decided to drive up to the Morro Bay area, which I love. I especially like the Montana de Oro State Park there and so I decided to drive up there for the day. I first started with a short trail - Sand Spit Trail, which led right down to the ocean and was so short that I decided right away to run back up again and look for another trail. I found one... although it was a horse trail ;-) This one was fun to run and also challenging as the sand was very soft and deep. I loved that challenge! The trail eventually led down to the ocean after passing through most beautiful dunes. The ocean and the light were amazing. The light was so white and grey (it was still overcast and the sun not quite through yet) - it was "otherworldly". And as there were no other people around it felt so much like being back to the "elements"... it was just me and the very rough ocean. Amazing views! Just what I had needed on that day! I eventually ran back to the parking lot, drove to a wonderful, picturesque little bay where I had lunch. This bay had the most amazing and oddly shaped pebbles I have ever seen. As I still felt like running I chose a second trail to run on - Dune Loop. Also this one was very beautiful and almost no people in sight. Wonderful! Again the sand was very soft and deep to run on... I ended up on a beautiful hilly dune which nice views onto the ocean. As it started to get dark pretty early on I ran back a short cut to the road and from there back to my car. All in all it was an amazing day... me and the rough nature and not much else .... very healing and healthy!

All those photos were taken on beautiful Dune Loop Trail

Beautiful impressions from the Sand Spit trail and the views onto the ocean. The light was truly  otherwordly. I saw my favorite birds (besides pelicans) - whimbrels.

I had a very relaxing lunch with spectacular views at Spooner's cove.

I ended the day in Morro Bay where I stayed for a wonderful sunset before heading back home.

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