Thursday, December 29, 2011

Finally increasing my mileage again!

December 27, 2011

So happy! I finally was able to increase my mileage.... my old "record" was 6.3 miles.... today I was able to improve this and ran the distance of 7 miles, nonstop, on the beautiful Santa Monica-Venice boardwalk! :-) My goal of running 13.1 miles (half-marathon distance) is slowly, oh so slowly coming closer :-)

My first trail race! :-)

December 11, 2011

Finally my first trail race! It took place at beautiful Crystal Cove State Park, where I had trained two weeks prior to the race. There was a change though.... the race route was different! So the entire route was new to me :-) It was very exciting to finally run a race again (I had run several 5ks years ago), esp as this was my first trail race! The route was nice but included one really tough incline! First the race started out nicely, running mostly in the flat into the canyon... then the big incline started.. I was able to run uphill a bit and was very proud of myself just to figure out that this was one ENDLESS incline and there was no way to run uphill ;-) It was a 600 feet incline over 1.3 miles.. so just as all the other 6k runners I was trying to walk uphill as fast as possible. Finally we reached the top and were rewarded by a water station ;-) The race continued in the flat for a while and then the big downhill run started. It was nice to finally run downhill combined with some wonderful views into the canyons and onto the ocean. I felt so energized and happy! Towards the end of the race I felt completely overwhelmed and happy (and almost started crying because of complete happiness) as I realized this was the second proof to myself that after 2 really bad years in my personal life I am finally who I was years ago - a healthy, sporty and active woman! This overwhelmed me completely and gave me just the necessary final bout of energy I needed to run through the finish line! What a feeling!!!! Although I ended up on place 13 out of 15 in my age group I was proud to have run this race in 52 minutes as considering that long incline I had anticipated a time of over an hour. This first trail race sure was a great experience and I plan to run many more!